Anti Ragging Committee

Teachers’ Training College Bhagalpur re-constituted the Anti-Ragging Committee in the year 2019-20. The following instructions are framed to prevent the means of ragging and foster healthy interpersonal relations among students in the campus of Teachers’ Training College Bhagalpur ragging is strictly forbidden in or outside the college campus. All students shall familiarize themselves with rules/regulations/guidelines on code of conduct, anti-ragging measures and college discipline. All new comers should attend counselling session organized for them from time to time.


-->To aware the students of dehumanizing effect of ragging inherent in its perversity.

-->To keep a continuous watch and vigil over ragging so as to prevent its occurrence and recurrence.

-->To promptly and stringently deal with the incidents of ragging brought to our notice.

Functions of committee: -

✱To consider the complaints received from the students and conduct enquiry and submit report to the           anti- ragging committee along with punishment recommended for the offenders.

✱Disseminating information on the consequences of ragging through orientation and awareness               programs.

✱Conduct workshop against ragging menance and orient the students.

✱To provide students the information pertaining to contact address and telephone numbers of the person       identified to receive complaint/distress calls.

✱To talk all necessary measures for prevention of ragging inside the campus.

✱CCTV cameras have been placed all over the campus.

✱To conduct Anti-Ragging Committee every month, on in case of any complaint registered as and when    basis.

✱ To ensure submission of undertaking in the prescribed format from the candidate concerned on anti-            ragging at the time of admission.

✱ To arrange to send letters to parents and guardians of students at the beginning of academic year for             the creation of awareness.

✱ Ensuring that the actions to be taken are as per the guidelines of the relevant regulation as laid down by       regulatory bodies.

✱ Timely circulation of action taken report to the concerned authorities against anti-ragging in the institute.

✱ To prevent and eliminate incidents of ragging within the college premises as well as in the             neighbourhood.

✱To ensure compliance with the UGC regulation and the Bihar Education Act regarding ragging prevention.

✱ To promote a culture of respect empathy and camaraderie among students.

✱ Multiple Anti-Ragging posters are displayed throughout the college premises to enhance the spread of awareness.

✱ The details of the anti-ragging committee are given on the website for quick contact in case of any incident of ragging.

✱ An online feedback form is uploaded on the college website for reporting grievances related to ragging.

In conclusion, the Anti-Ragging measures at Teachers Training College Bhagalpur are integral to fostering a culture of respect, safety, and inclusivity. Through proactive policies, awareness programs, robust enforcement, and support mechanisms, the college upholds its commitment to preventing ragging and ensuring the holistic development and well-being of its students.

Anti-Ragging Guidelines