The grievance redressal Committee was formed in the year 2012 for receiving the grievances of students, faculty and parents relating to academics, amenities, technology and personal issues if any happened with in the campus. The main functions of this committee is to address the grievance by the members of the committee, discuss the reasons for grievance and resolve the grievance with resolutions for smooth functioning of academic activities in the campus. The cell also encourages students to give their suggestions in matters related to their welfare, academics and other activities of college.

A grievance redressal Committee ensures

* Upholding the colleges dignity by promoting cordial relationships between students and teachers.

* Encouraging students to express their grievances without fear of being victimized.

* Developing a responsive and accountable attitude among all stakeholders.

The objectives of a grievance redressal committee includes:

Providing access: To provide students with immediate resources to have their grievances redressed.

Encouraging expression: To encourage students and staff to express their grievances freely and without fear of victimization.

Promoting relationships: To promote cordial relationships between students, between students and staff, and between staff members.

Resolving grievances: To set up mechanism for speedy and expeditious resolution of grievances.

Providing counselling: To provide appropriate counselling to students in the process of resolving grievances.

Maintaining dignity: To develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all stakeholders.

To ensure transparency in all activities at different stages and to all stakeholders.

Composition of grievance redressal committee

The principal shall determine the composition and tenures of the grievance redressal committee.

The committee in Teachers’ Training College, Bhagalpur constitute members from teaching section and non-teaching section.

All grievances referred to the grievance redressal committee/principal/director shall be entered in a register to be maintained for the future purpose. An immediate meeting is to be called by the members of grievance redressal committee to short out; all the grievance issues and problems as per law. The number of grievances, settled or pending is reported to the principal every month.

Sl. No. Name of the Faculty Designation
1. Prof. (Dr.) Amit Kumar Das Principal
2. Asst. Prof. Soni Kumari Co-ordinator
3. Asst. Prof. Pushpraj Gunjan Faculty Member
4. Asst. Prof. Prasant Ranjan Dutt Faculty Member
5. Mr. Bulbul Kumar Student Council Member
6. Smt. Divyani Roy Student Council Member

Procedure of grievance Committee

The students and the staff can voice their grievances in the written form. On the receipt of complaint, it is referred to grievance redressal committee and is resolved immediately. If they don’t get their grievance redressal by the cell they can approach to the management of the institution and other higher authority.

Functioning of grievance Committee

Complaint boxes have been installed in the college campus in which the students, who want to remain anonymous, can put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the academics/ administration of the college

The person concerned can personally approach to any member of the cell or can send email or write an application and submit to cell conveners for grievance of any sort.

The cell will review all cases and will act formally accordingly as per the institutional guidelines.

The cell will give report to the authority about the cases attended to and the number of pending cases, if any, which require direction and guidance from the higher authorities.

Teachers’ Training College, Bhagalpur has a fully functional Grievance Redressal Cell which ensures timely address of any grievances received. Anyone with genuine grievance may send their complain through email; to the college at

For students who want to write their complaints can drop it in college complain box/grievance box and students can also lodge their grievance through online mechanism in the link provided below: -

Download Grievance Form

Minutes of meeting

Awareness program