Annual Report

1. Annual Report 2019-20

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2. Annual Report 2020-21

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3. Annual Report 2021-22

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4. Annual Report 2022-23

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5. Annual Report 2023-24

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Action Taken Report

1. Action Taken Report 2019-20

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2. Action Taken Report 2020-21

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3. Action Taken Report 2021-22

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4. Action Taken Report 2022-23

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5. Action Taken Report 2023-24

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Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC)

The IQAC is a nodal agency for monitoring the working of the college and is committed to overall quality enhancement in the college. As the name reflects IQAC - Internal Quality Assurance cell is a structure that assist educational institution to enhance work strategy and attain learning outcomes and objectives. IQAC plays a role of participative and facilitative unit that closely work with the faculty members to plan out the best possible strategies and help educational institutions in improving their work process and also in achieving learning out comes and improving their academic and administrative performance.


1. To fulfill vision and mission of the college in the light of its quality policy.

2. To develop system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action for sustaining the academic and administrative              performance of every department.

3. To assure all stake holders the accountability of the college for its own quality.

4. To device and ensure procedures and mechanisms to maintain quality in all the operational aspects of the system-teaching-    learning-evaluation process.

5. Measuring the outcome of academic performance of the college.

6. Developing the realistic and attainable quality benchmarks for each of the academic and administrative activity through plan     of action, internal assessment, workshops.

Here are some important functions of IQAC through which it performs: -

1. IQAC is responsible for developing and implementing quality benchmarks for various academic and non-academic activities     of the institute.

2. It helps in establishing a learner-centric environment to deliver quality education and enables faculty members to create     authentic documentation and maintain proper records for future references during NAAC assessments.

3. IQAC promotes the organization of quality themed workshops and seminar, and focuses on assessing learning outcomes to     ensure that students are meeting the expected educational standards.

4. IQAC regularly assesses the effectiveness of teaching and learning methodologies employed with in the institution and     ensures the adequacy, optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.

5. IQAC often plays a crucial role in preparing institutions for accreditation processes by ensuring compliance with quality     standards and facilitating the collection and documentation of evidence required for accreditation.

6. IQAC acts as a nodal agency of the institution for co-ordinating quality related activities, including adoption and       dissemination of best practices.

7. Timely preparation & submission of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) a part the guidelines and parameters of       NAAC.

Overall, IQAC serves as a mechanism for development of quality culture in the institution, and ultimately enhancing the overall educational experience for students and stakeholders.

Many more initiation's taken are described below: -.

1. IQAC organized a meeting on induction and personality development program.

2. IQAC organized a meeting for constructing rain water harvesting system' in college campus.

3. IQAC organized an awareness program on sanitization and preventive measures and program “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan”.

4. IQAC called a meeting with all faculty members to organize a program on safe internet banking of smart classes in     teaching and learning process.

5. IQAC organized a meeting for providing extra classes for English speaking courses.

6. A meeting was called by IQAC to organize seminars/webinars.

7. A meeting was organized by IQAC for conducting workshop.

8. IQAC organized a group meeting for education excursion tour and outreach activities.

The IQAC unit of the college organizes various meetings in order to develop the academic environment of the college campus.
Following decision are made in IQAC meeting and implemented accordingly.

• Building a smart class room.

• Installing college website.

• Working for NAAC accreditation.

• CCTV network in the campus.

• Cycle stand

• Library improvement.

• Constructing college smart class room.

• Beautifying college campus.

• Improvement computer lab.

• Seminar on research.

• Faculty development program.

• Quiz competition.